Monday, May 19, 2008

Wii can play together!

A year ago this week we got our Wii... and we love it!

Lately we've been finding out that everyone else in the family has one (i.e. Sean, Michelle, Bryan, etc.) is getting one so I thought I would put our Wii Friend codes online.

Our Wii code is:
5525 6439 1664 4091

Using this code we can send each other Wii-mail and share pictures and Miis.

We got Mario Kart Wii a few weeks ago, and that game requires a special "friend" code to play online. Here are ours:

Mikey: 1504-6291-6391
Mindy: 3050-8203-9029
Aaron: 4253-4385-1762
Aimee: 0302-0686-0614

So if you'd like to post your Wii codes in the comments, maybe Wii can get together and play!

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