Thursday, March 09, 2006


In my recent internet travels, I came across this image:

It's called an isopod.

Isopods are one of the most diverse orders of Crustaceans, with many species living in all environments, and are common in shallow marine waters. Unlike most crustaceans, isopods are successful on land (suborder Oniscidea, woodlice), although their greatest diversity remains in the deep sea (suborder Asellota). The isopods are an ancient group with fossils known from the Carboniferous (suborder Phreatoicidea, family Paleophreatoicidae) that only differ slightly from modern southern hemisphere freshwater phreatoicideans. - "isopod" definition from the Wikipedia

Looks like a giant potato bug, but it's a shellfish.

I think I'll stick to eating shrimp.


Betsy said...

I was thinking closer to giant cockroach...yuck.

Nathan Sumsion said...

Yikes! I don't know that I'd be doing much swimming anywhere that thing is at.