Last time it for the cut across the bridge of his nose. This time... the right eyebrow.
I had just gotten up to give Min the phone when I heard a WHAPP and a SCREAM.
Alex came around the corner holding his eye, and I moved his hand, saw the gaping wound, and yelled: "MIN! WE'VE GOT A BLEEDER!"
So she hung up (sorry Susan) and quickly called a friend to watch the other three as we went the the ER.
Since our house is "on the market" I sat and applied pressure to Alex's head and she and the others tidied the house up and cleaned up lunch.
Then we were off.
We were the only folks at the ER this time around, so we got in and out really quick (less than an hour).
Here's the beautiful wound:
They put some medicine on it to numb it and covered it with the gauze and a netted hat. Alex isn't asleep, the netting just hurt his eyes.
Once again, no stitches required. It was a clean "pop" so they Dermabond-ed this one too. For good measure, the doc put steri-strips on it too.
Hopefully this is the last time this summer that we make a visit to the ER. *knock on wood*
Poor guy, how does he manage such bad luck?? Knock on wood with your hand, not Alex's head!
Oh my goodness! Alex has had quite the time. Hope this is the last run-in he has for a good year or two. Poor boy.
Very impressive. Tell Alex that Sister Cragun saw the picture on his blog! :)
are you sure his last name isn't BRKLACICH?!?!!!!!!!
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