Monday, June 30, 2008

Value Girls

A few months ago, the Young Women leaders in our ward asked if I would help them design a mark for them to use at Girls Camp this year.

Their theme was "Superheroes" and they figured that I could help.

I was happy to.

Their only real requirement is that it had to represent the 7 colors of the YW Values: White, blue, red, green, orange, yellow, and purple.

It also had to go on the flag and their capes (for the camp).

Anyways, to make a long story short (imagine that), I indulged myself a bit and sought inspiration from Milton Glaser's "Bob Dylan" poster and created this:

... bottom line, they loved it.

I volunteered Mindy to sew the flag/banner, and I offered to hand paint it.

Here's how it turned out:

They really liked it... and we enjoyed helping them out.


amy k said...

Very nice and creative! I'm impressed.

Felipe and Erika said...

very cool Mike! You are so talented, very talented!

grannybabs said...

As an old camp leader, I can only say, wish they'd had something that cool when I went to Girls' Camp!!

Nice job!