I knew it would happen sometime.
I left work a little early so that I could get home before Min had to take the kids to piano lessons, so that I could watch Alex and Andee while she was gone. I got to the house at about 3:00 PM.
I thought about stopping for gas.
I thought about grabbing a Sammie from Quizno's (yum).
I thought about stopping to get the mail.
Maybe I was just ignoring the promptings of the Holy Ghost,but I figured I'd better just get home.
Thursday is garbage day. Aaron is supposed to bring in the trash cans after school, but as I pull up, I see that they hadn't been put away yet, so I sat in front of the drive way and called Mindy to send Aaron out to get them.
The line was busy.
As I went to put the close the phone, I caught site of a car backing out around me. It was a gold flash in my rear view mirror.
I looked over my shoulder and saw a car pull away.
"I almost got hit," I thought to myself.
Then WHAM!
I caught a flash of gold in my side mirror and felt the car jerk.
The gold car may have missed me, but the gold van didn't.
A little back story is necessary at this point: The people that owned the house to the left of us we're the children of a 102 year-old man that lived there. Needless to say he was a quiet neighbor. When he passed away, Henry and his wife moved in as renters. They too were nice and pleasant neighbors.
Our real estate agent informed us that the owners decided to sell the house to a lawyer from Austin, who bought it for her mother. The house is completely handicap accessible. We thought that was cool.
Anyways, there's a little more to the story than that.
This lady requires around the clock care and there are nurses constantly coming and going from the residence. We've seen other handicapped people come and go, so we're curious as to what the house is actually used for... anyways, there are always between 2 and 5 cars in the drive or parked out front.
Anyways, we aren't really happy with them (that's another story) or that situation, but oh well. What can we do.
Back to the story; where did I leave off? Oh yeah...
The gold car may have missed me, but the gold van didn't.
I got hit.
... and here's the damage:

More later... dinner is ready.