Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Aaron turns 8

Min and I can't believe that we are parents of an 8-year-old.

His b-day was last Friday, but we were traveling all day trying to get to my folks' house.

That night he got a GameBoy Advanced game from Mindy and me (Pokémon Sapphire) as well as new underwear, t-shirts, a long sleeved Sunday shirt and a tie.

We had a party/BBQ for him on Sunday (actually it was a family get together masked as a party) and Min's folks and sister came down for it.

He had an applesauce cake (of course) and blew out the candles through a piece of licorice:

My folks got him a bike and Sean's family got him a helmet:

Jared's family got him a board game called The Settlers of Zarahemla:

He'll be getting other stuff when he get's baptized at the end of the month.

Happy birthday Aaron.

1 comment:

Mike said...

We had to get him tighty whities so that when he gets baptized later this month the Hulk won't be staring at the people behind him as he gets out of the font. ;)