Saturday, November 19, 2005

Another one bites the dust...

What is it with 11:30 pm? Two days after Mike gets sick at this time of night, Aimee is sick. She was the one in the family that I was REALLY hoping didn't get this lovely bug that is roaming through our family. She is awful at making it into the bathroom or even a bucket, and hers stinks like nothing else. I couldn't even go in the room to clean it up because I was going to lose it. Thankfully Mike was able and willing to clean her floor up. I'm not sure if or when her room will lose the funk though.

We are just hoping that everyone will be through with this before Thanksgiving, since we have plans with Betsy's family. Bets, this is your warning! Aaron and I are the only ones left... here's praying.

1 comment:

Keli said...

You guys just can't win, can you? Hopefully is goes fast.