Sunday, June 19, 2005

You'll never believe this...

Last night (actually early this morning) about 2am, I woke up to a rustling above my head. We have our bed in the bay window, and it sounded like there was something between the shade and the window. There was a little bit of light shining in from outside, so I could see a dark spot where something was. I was deciding whether or not to wake up Mike to take care of it (he likes to make fun of my squeamishness). As I was trying to decide it moved, and I saw that it was....

frog from the window

a frog. I woke up Mike and told him there was a frog in our window. That woke him up quickly, especially when he saw that I wasn't joking. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a large plastic cup and then told me to open the blinds. The frog fell down and Mike scooped it into the cup and kept it against the window. Once we slid a piece of cardboard between the cup and the window Mike threw it outside by the pond. Then we got the camera to take pictures of it. It was about the size of the palm of a hand. Originally I was afraid it was a cockroach... I think a frog is worse.

We have no idea how it got into our bedroom, or how long it has been in there. I think we will be moving our bed back to its original position soon!!!


Mike said...

It was actually a Gulf Coast Toad... not a frog.

Betsy said...

okay you both are wimps. You caught the toad in a cup?!?!? Just pick it up in your hands. That's how all my kids do it. They don't bite, they don't give you warts (you do have to wash your hands afterwards because they can give you salmonella). And you think that cockroaches would have been better?!?!? I take it you have never had one crawl down your shirt while you were sleeping. Here in Texas everything is bigger, including the roaches. And they FLY!!! Believe me - the toad is better. Besides the toads eat bugs. Cockroaches eat all sorts of nasty stuff. I'm getting the heebie jeebies just writing this and thinking about it. Yuck!!!! Next time. Just grab the toad.

Min said...

Ok, you have a point... but I'm getting used to seeing a roach in my house now and then (and no I have never had one crawl on me while I was sleeping, to my knowledge). Let's just say I don't want to see either of them in my house!!!